Legal Notice
Purpose of the Website
The information provided on the website is intended to support, not replace, the relationship between a patient and their dentist. The purpose of the website is to provide information about the dental office and the treatments offered at the practice.
Website hosting:
Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register (RCS): 424 761 419 00045
APE Code: 2620Z
VAT Number: FR 22 424 761 419
Head Office: 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, France
Website funding:
The website is fully funded by the dentists of the practice.
Advertising policy:
Our website does not accept or receive advertising funds.
Intellectual property:
Our website was designed using the GI-web platform. is a website owned by the company EURL GI WEB.
The trademarks GI WEB and are registered trademarks with the INPI and the exclusive property of EURL GI WEB, a subsidiary of the ENPS/Webdentiste Group.
All content on the website, including graphics, images, text, videos, logos, GIFs, and icons, as well as their layout, is the exclusive property of EURL GI WEB, except for trademarks, logos, or content owned by other partner companies or authors.
Photo Credits:
Any reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission, or publication of these elements is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of EURL GI WEB.
L’Astragale – 6 avenue henri barbusse – 06100 NICE
Website Editor:
Webdentiste Company
14 rue Antonin Raynaud – 92300 Levallois-Perret
Phone: (+33) 1 44 50 11 12 – Fax: (+33) 1 46 19 00 34
Email: administration @
SAS with a capital of €900,000
SIRET: 501 002 471 00016 RCS Nanterre
VAT Number: FR 88 501 002 471
Editorial committee:
This website is made freely available to patients to provide information about dental surgery, oral hygiene, and dental treatments, developed in collaboration with the UFSBD. The medical content of the site (articles, treatments, and prevention advice) has been created by an editorial and scientific committee composed of dentists and health journalists.
Composition of the Editorial & Scientific Committee
• President of the Scientific Committee: Marc BONNEL (Doctor of Dental Surgery) – Registered with the Dental Association: No. 924701162
• Vice-President of the Scientific Committee: Julien LAUPIE (Doctor of Dental Surgery) – Registered with the Dental Association: No. 100014455450
• Vice-President of the Scientific Committee: Christophe LEQUART (Doctor of Dental Surgery) – Registered with the Dental Association: No. 51157
The Editorial and Scientific Committee also includes 14 practitioners who contribute to the creation and validation of advice sheets based on their specialties (implantology, periodontology, pediatric dentistry, orthodontics).
The Committee works closely with the UFSBD (French Union for Oral Health), particularly in updating editorial content.
Privacy :
The information collected through the contact form (Name, First Name, Email Address, and Phone Number) is used solely to respond to your inquiries. Under no circumstances do we disclose or share this information with third parties.
Personal information about visitors to our website, including their identity, is confidential. The site administrator solemnly commits to respecting the legal confidentiality requirements applicable in France and to not disclosing this information to third parties.
The CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) was established by Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, concerning data processing, files, and freedoms, as amended in 2004.
Audience :
The information provided on this website is intended to enhance, not replace, the direct relationship between the patient (or website visitor) and healthcare professionals. This website is designed for a broad audience seeking information.
If you wish to contact the dentist of the practice, please refer to the section[drad_permalink val= »228″ target= »_blank »]Contact[/drad_permalink].